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Lead Paint Removal with EcoLanco

Lancaster County has one of the highest rates of childhood lead poisoning in Pennsylvania. We can fix that together.

Certified Lead Abatement in Lancaster, PA

According to the city of Lancaster lead poisoning affects 1 in 6 children in Lancaster and lead based point is the main source of lead. Homes that were built before 1978 are more likely to contain lead-based paint and 95% of Lancaster’s homes have been built before 1978.

The removal or safe containment of lead based paint in homes can be very expensive. The city of Lancaster, as well as a program by Lancaster General Health, can provide significant financial support to support you in making your home lead safe for you and your children.

How Can Lead Paint Affect My Family?

Nationwide, almost half a million children between the ages of one and five years have elevated blood lead levels; a blood lead level greater than 5 µg/dL is considered the actionable level, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As early as 1956, studies have shown that, in children, exposure to lead can impact growth and development. Prior research shows that EBLLs have been associated with harmful effects in children as they grow, such as neurobehavioral deficits including hyperactivity, withdrawal, development delays, decreased cognitive function, correlated lower IQ scores, and behavioral issues. A study by Stretesky and Lynch showed that lead poisoning can affect one’s hormonal system, and even result in aggressive or violent behavior.

In response to these outcomes, professionals have made various efforts to provide a solution. At the national and state level, policy-makers are continuously setting laws to prevent children from encountering lead. Since 1992, landlords are required to disclose any known information on lead-based hazards to potential tenants before they sign a leasing agreement. In June of 2018, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed a bill amendment requiring all publicly funded schools to test their water for lead and release the results to the public, in the event of elevated levels.

Fortunately, in Lancaster, there are a number of organizations that focus on raising awareness of the danger lead poses and distribute health promotion materials to educate the community on exposures, effects, and prevention of lead poisoning. The City of Lancaster, as well as a program by Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, provides significant financial support to help you in making your home lead safe for you and your children.

Live in Lanco? These Grant Programs Can Cut Costs!

Lead-Free Families is a community health initiative of Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health aimed at creating a strong pathway to eliminate childhood lead poisoning in and around Lancaster County.

The City of Lancaster’s Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Program helps qualified homeowners, landlords and renters reduce risks related to lead-based paint exposure and improve the safety of their homes.

Why choose EcoLanco?

EcoLanco is certified to make your home lead-safe, and to remove any asbestos or mold that may be in your home. We’re also working to ensure we have clean water and don’t pollute our rivers and streams in Lancaster County with the water that we use.

Lead Abatement

Mold Removal

Water Collection

The EcoLanco Difference